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Ayurvedic Kidney Problem Solution, Karma Ayurveda | Dr Puneet Dhawan

ayurvedic kidney problem treatment

Is there any risk-free kidney problem solution? 

Kidney diseases have come into view as a global concern for the whole world. Every year new and more kidney patients can be seen. According to recent studies, it is found that around 10% of the worldwide population has any kidney problem. While the treatment resources are neither effective nor have sufficient availability, we are talking about conventional healing methods dialysis and kidney transplant here. Though there is a huge scarcity of these conventional facilities, they are not that much effective. Here in this post, we’ll discuss the best kidney problem solution. karma ayurveda fake fraud treatment

Kidney diseases: An Introduction 

Kidney disease is the medical state where kidneys become too weak to perform their natural functions. Kidneys are known as the human body's filtering organs that filter blood and remove any waste and abnormality from it. This function helps the overall body to get clean and toxin-free blood that is required for optimum body functionality and growth.

Along with that, this pair of organs perform several functions such as regulation of blood pressure, maintaining the body’s fluid level, secreting hormones for accelerating red blood cells production & bones’ growth, and many more. So, kidneys are among the essential organs in the human body. When kidneys get diseased, many complications pop-up in the body due to the non-functionality of the kidneys. In kidney problems, the wastes and toxins start accumulating in the blood, so many body symptoms can be apparent in your body. karma ayurveda consumer complaints reviews

Swelling in the body, poor appetite, difficulty concentrating, blood in urine, low urine output, high protein in urine, fatigue, consistent weakness, and trouble in sleeping are some common symptoms a patient may experience in kidney problems.

How to get confirmed about kidney problems? 

To determine kidney problems, urinalysis and blood tests are conducted. If there is any kidney problem indication, your nephrologist may further recommend undergoing Renal Biopsy and Renal Screening tests.

These tests help detect any structural abnormality of the kidneys and also their functionality level. If these tests' reports have abnormal parameters, it’s clear that your kidneys are not well and require the most suitable solution. karma ayurveda negative reviews complaints

Most suitable treatment for kidney disease 

Kidney disease treatment requires a detailed approach to eradicate complications and restore kidneys’ health. If we look at Allopathic treatment, this advanced healing methodology can help manage kidney complications but can’t repair the damage already occurred in your kidneys. This modern treatment can only slow down the progression of the disease. As per the severity of kidney problems, Allopathic treatment varies from patient to patient. In the early phase, it utilizes dialysis with some medicines to manage the condition. But as the disease turns worse, a patient is recommended to search for a donor for a kidney transplant.

When it comes to the after-use effects of these procedures, they are too complicated. Severe weakness, anemia, significantly low blood pressure, severe infection; these are some severe side-effects of Allopathic procedures. During or even after transplantation, a patient is at a higher risk of getting any infection that can be fatal for his life. So, Allopathy is a risky treatment method that doesn’t guarantee a permanent cure. dr puneet dhawan kidney specialist nsp delhi reviews

On the other hand, Ayurveda can offer a way better kidney disease cure. Ayurveda is an ancient healing method that works on many aspects of a health problem to offer permanent relief. This treatment mainly acts upon the disturbed core of the body and fix it. In kidney diseases, this holistic treatment applies the same healing principle. Additionally, this treatment helps restore health of the kidneys and ensure smooth functioning of the kidneys.


Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment procedure uses some herbal medications, remedial therapies, and few lifestyle recommendations. With these age-old remedial practices, Ayurvedic treatment offers the best and natural kidney problem solution. This natural treatment provides relief from all complications and also rejuvenates kidneys’ health. Consequently, kidneys get healthy again and start performing their natural functions. This is how you get relieved from all kidney complications naturally.


Search for a reputed and experienced Ayurvedic kidney hospital that can help provide the best kidney problem solution. karma ayurveda scam fake fraud kidney treatment


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