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Kidney cyst treatment in Ayurveda | Dr Puneet Dhawan

Kidney Cyst Treatment in ayurveda

Introduction to Polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease is a medical condition characterized by the presence of cysts on the kidneys. It is the fourth major factor that contributes to chronic kidney disease. With time, the cysts get filled with fluid and blood; however, they are noncancerous in nature. Furthermore, these cysts become the reason behind the damage caused to other organs such as the liver and the ovaries in females. dr puneet dhawan reviews

On each kidney, you may have thousands of small-sized cysts making the kidney grow by large. It critically takes a toll on the life of patients. So, it is necessary to hit on the treatment at the right time, such as kidney cyst treatment in Ayurveda. Ayurvedic reforms are better in the treatment of innate conditions, while allopathy shows no positive response in such cases. 

Types of polycystic kidney disease

The way in which these types of cyst affect the organ and how the onset develops, we can classify PKD into two types. 

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease.

In autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, the cysts are majorly formed in the kidneys, whereas, in autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, the cysts may damage your liver and the kidneys. karma ayurveda negative reviews

ADPKD develops signs when you have reached adulthood at the age of 30. So, mostly it is called adult PKD. ARPKD, on the other hand, can be seen just after a few months of the birth of a baby. With the best Ayurvedic herbs and polycystic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda, this disease can be prevented, and family lines are prevented from being hit by PKD. 

Prevention of polycystic kidney disease

As you know, polycystic kidney disease is a congenital disease. It needs to be taken care of with the right treatment approach and a diet plan. You may not prevent PKD completely as it is linked to heredity, but it can be cured with ayurvedic intervention. Here are some of the measures that help in keeping the kidneys healthy, even during polycystic kidney disease. Such as: karma ayurveda kidney specialist reviews

  • Do a timely checkup of blood pressure and try to avoid situations that can lead to increased blood pressure.

  • Try to maintain a right and healthy weight.

  • If you have a bad habit of smoking, then it is high time for you to quit all such bad habits as soon as possible.

  • Do not consume an excess of painkillers and medications every now and then.

  • Do not skip your medicines prescribed by your doctors.

  • Maintain a good level of sugar and prevent diabetes, as it can be one prime reason behind kidney diseases.

  • Do not drink alcohol.

  • Do thirty minutes of exercise daily.

  • Make a diet plan to follow that contains low fat and low salt diet. 

Treatment of kidney cyst treatment in Ayurveda

The best treatment for PKD is with Ayurveda. Ayurveda is the mother of all healings as it cures the disease of its roots. Apart from treating disease, Ayurveda fills a human body with new life and channelizes the energy in the most profound way. Ayurveda assists in the treatment of every human body with its therapeutic capacity. Be it the herbs, yoga, a good customized diet, or a set of lifestyle changes, Ayurveda offers the most effective and long-lasting solutions to the problems associated with your kidneys. Is karma ayurveda scam fraud fake treatment

Kidney cyst treatment in Ayurveda is consists of herbs that are highly effective and can be consumed in the form of tablets, edible powder, and paste. Apart from the medicines, dietary changes are also suggested to the patients keeping in mind their health status. Yoga is equally healthy in the elimination of polycystic kidney disease or to slow down its progression. 

If you are looking for a kidney cyst treatment in Ayurveda, get to us at Karma Ayurveda


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