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Karma Ayurveda Patient Neha from Calcutta kidney Treatment Reviews

Karma Ayurveda Patient Neha from Calcutta kidney Treatment Reviews - Dr. Puneet Dhawan : 

Hello, I am Neha from Calcutta. 

Three years ago, I started my journey from Calcutta to Delhi. When I decided to shift to Delhi, my parents and siblings were against me. According to them, I was not prepared to start a new life in a city like Delhi. They thought It was a crass decision for a girl.  But, in the end, they accepted my decision and allowed me to shift to Delhi. At that time, I was unemployed and unaware of the life of Delhi.  "Karma Ayurveda Patient Neha from Calcutta kidney Treatment Reviews". Karma ayurveda consumer complaints

The culture and environment of Delhi and Calcutta are entirely different. In Delhi, I live with one of my childhood friends in a two-room apartment in Shahdara. She arranged a job for me in a patent analysis company, near Karkardooma court. The most important thing was that we both didn't have an ABCD of cooking.

That was why we always ordered food from different restaurants. Due to the water and environment of Delhi, stomach-related problems were very prevalent to me. One day, due to severe stomach pain, I visited a doctor near my house. At that time, the doctor prescribed me some medicines for pain relief. But, after some days, the pain was so severe that I had to be admitted to the hospital. There I was introduced to a problem called a kidney infection. 

Karma Ayurveda Patient Neha from Calcutta kidney Treatment Reviews - Dr. Puneet Dhawan

At that time, I didn't know anything about it. The doctor prescribed me medicines and some diet-related restrictions.  He told me that I might need to go for dialysis in the future if I didn't take care of my health. I told my parents about the issue and the dialysis thing. My mother came to live with me and to take care. After taking medicine for three weeks, I felt relieved. All the symptoms that I was facing due to the infection were gone. Dr Puneet Dhawan Kidney Specialist Reviews

I rejoined the office, and my mother flew back to Calcutta. Everything was on track. Unfortunately, one day, I felt pain in my stomach. And, this time, it was more severe.

I consulted my doctor, and he prescribed me some tests to gauge the health of my kidneys. He told me that my kidney condition was so good, and I may need dialysis. I started attending the sessions of dialysis, which turned out to be gruesome for me. After every session of dialysis, I felt so feeble and sick. Meanwhile, my roommate showed me the post of Karma Ayurveda, and it was about stopping kidney dialysis. I didn't give a damn about the post and its content. It was because I didn't believe in Ayurveda. 

Karma Ayurveda Patient Neha from Calcutta kidney Treatment Reviews - Dr. Puneet Dhawan

Day-by-day my health condition was getting worse, and it took me to depression. So, my roommate talked to my mother about this, and she consulted Dr. Puneet Dhawan, the director of Karma Ayurveda. She sent my medical reports to him. On account of my medical reports, Dr. Puneet Dhawan prescribed medicines and diet charts for me. karma ayurveda fraud fake scam kidney treatment

I started taking medicines, not to upset my friend. And after four weeks, I observed changes in my condition, and I know it was the result of Ayurvedic medications. Allopathic doctors think it happened because of dialysis. 

I met Dr. Puneet Dhawan, and he said I don't need dialysis. Yes, I am free from the protocol of dialysis and kidney infection. Yes, I am still taking Ayurvedic medications for complete remission and rejuvenation of my kidney. 

I want to thank the noble souls Dr. Puneet Dhawan and my friend. Both of them have changed my life. 

I hope my journey inspires you to adopt Ayurvedic treatment if you are in the same boat as me. karma ayurveda


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