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Karma Ayurveda Patient Akshay Bhirani Janakpuri, Delhi, India Reviews | Dr. Puneet Dhawan

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Karma Ayurveda Patient Akshay Bhirani Janakpuri, Delhi, India Reviews - Dr. Puneet Dhawan

Ayurveda contradicted my beliefs for good! 

Hello! My name is Akshay Bhirani. I am from Janakpuri, Delhi, India. Find my story below about my journey with Ayurvedic treatment. 

I do not know why but it was hard for me to belief that Ayurveda can treat a fatal disease like kidney failure. I was unable to digest the fact that kidney diseases can be altered without any surgical pain. Well! That’s a good thing but I always wondered how? Not a long before I was diagnosed with certain issues related to my urinary tract. "Karma Ayurveda Patient Akshay Bhirani Janakpuri, Delhi, India Reviews, Dr. Puneet Dhawan". karma ayurveda patient complaints reviews

Trust me I was facing some of the horrible times and it was affecting my daily life in the worst way possible. There were pain, infection, irritation, tiredness, and many other physical weaknesses. Later, when I was told that all these could lead to the failure of my kidneys in some ways; that was it for me. 

Karma Ayurveda Patient Akshay Bhirani Janakpuri, Delhi, India Reviews - Dr. Puneet Dhawan

I was taking my prescribed medicines which used to work fine as long as I was taking them and my condition used to come to square one whenever I used to run out of those medicines. Then I realized all these expenses, medicines, and tests were doing nothing good to me but making me subservient of the process and the medicines. "Karma Ayurveda Patient Akshay Bhirani Janakpuri, Delhi, India Reviews, Dr. Puneet Dhawan". karma ayurveda fraud scam fake kidney treatment

The worst was yet to come. Later, I came to know that my kidneys have lost their functioning ability by 20% which means I was entering the stages of kidney failure. When nothing was working for me and the cost of the treatment began to overburden the impact, my mother decided to take me to the Ayurvedic center for kidney treatment in Pitampura."Karma Ayurveda Patient Akshay Bhirani Janakpuri, Delhi, India Reviews, Dr. Puneet Dhawan".

However, my mother was insisting me from the very beginning to get the Ayurvedic treatment. According to her, it was effective, free from side effects, and feasible. I came to believe in her and in Ayurveda only after I tried it for a month. 

Karma Ayurveda Patient Akshay Bhirani Janakpuri, Delhi, India Reviews | Dr. Puneet Dhawan

We visited Dr. Puneet Dhawan at Karma Ayurveda and he suggested some Ayurvedic medicines after analyzing my entire health. karma ayurveda consumer complaints reviews

I was shocked and found it a bit funny when he said “it will be alright” because I was like “Man! My kidneys are failing what your herbs and exercises would do?” However, I was proven wrong only after a month of the medicinal course when I saw a major decline in my creatinine, urea level and when my other electrolytes were balanced too. It was unbelievable but it was true and I was so relieved. "Karma Ayurveda Patient Akshay Bhirani Janakpuri, Delhi, India Reviews, Dr. Puneet Dhawan".

There are certain things about Ayurvedic treatment I have found recently and trust me it is like a miracle. The medicines or the herbs used in Ayurveda is personalized and are nephron-corrective in nature which means the treatment is done from the cellular level and we all know whatever is corrected from the roots lives a long and healthy life, even the machines. I am convinced that kidney failure can be reversed without any machine or surgery. "Karma Ayurveda Patient Akshay Bhirani Janakpuri, Delhi, India Reviews, Dr. Puneet Dhawan". karma ayurveda patients negative reviews complaints

I would like to end this feedback with many thanks to Dr. Puneet Dhawan and his team who all have brought my life back to normal.


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