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Chronic Renal Failure Ayurvedic Treatment | Karma Ayurveda, Dr. Puneet Dhawan

chronic renal failure treatment

What is chronic renal failure?

Chronic means the condition, which is longstanding and takes time to develop. In reference to chronic renal failure, it is the gradual loss of kidney function over a period of time. The kidney filters the waste and excess fluids from the blood while ensuring the urine is excreted out. But when there is any deviation in their working, it leads to impaired kidney function. Depending upon how your kidneys are affected, you may either have chronic kidney disease or acute kidney disease. karma ayurveda kidney patient reviews

In this blog, we are going to talk about chronic kidney disease in detail and, of course, chronic renal failure treatment. 

Chronic kidney disease or chronic kidney failure is the gradual loss of kidney function. When chronic kidney disease hits you hard or you reach an advanced stage, dangerous levels of fluid, electrolytes, and wastes may buildup in your blood. 

There is another approach to combat complications related to kidney disease, and that is Ayurveda. Ayurveda helps to relieve stress on the mind, body, and soul. It is one of the best approaches to cure kidney disease without any surgery and yet curing it permanently. dr puneet dhawan reviews

What are the causes of chronic renal failure?

The most common causes of chronic renal failure are diabetes and high blood pressure. 

Both the conditions result in damage to the filters (small blood vessels) within the kidneys. These blood vessels are responsible for acting as a filter to the kidneys. During the blood filtration process, glomeruli and tubules are responsible for keeping the most function of the kidneys. 

Other common causes of chronic renal failure include:

  • recurring pyelonephritis (kidney infection)

  • polycystic kidney disease (multiple cysts in the kidneys)

  • autoimmune disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosus

  • hardening of the arteries, which can damage blood vessels in the kidney

  • urinary tract blockages and reflux due to frequent infections, stones, or an anatomical abnormality that happened at birth

  • excessive use of medications that are metabolized through the kidneys karma ayurveda negative reviews

Sometimes, chronic kidney disease tends to run in families. So, diagnoses of those at risk are mandatory. If anyone in your family (especially first line, be it your mother, father, sister, brother) is already having CKD, you should get yourself tested. 

What are the signs and complications of chronic kidney disease?

Chronic renal failure can exist for many years without any alarming signs. When you first start to have CKD, the healthy kidney will compensate for the loss by working hard. If there is any condition that may alleviate the risk of CKD, your doctor will conduct regular urine and blood tests. If regular testing is not done, you may not notice any signs and delay chronic renal failure treatment. 

Some of the symptoms like fatigue can be misinterpreted with others and often left unnoticed to kidney failure. karma ayurveda scam fake

While some signs of chronic renal failure are more obvious than others. These are:

increased urination, especially at night

foamy or bubbly urine (indicates proteins are present in the urine)

urine that is cloudy or tea-colored

puffy eyes, hands, and feet (called edema)

high blood pressure


shortness of breath

loss of appetite

nausea and vomiting (this is a common symptom)

foul or bad taste in the mouth or bad breath

weight loss

generalized, persistent itchiness on the skin

muscle twitching or cramping

Being diagnosed with chronic renal failure can be mind-boggling. So, it is better you are prepared for chronic renal failure treatment if you have any signs or risk factors associated with chronic renal failure. dr. puneet dhawan kidney specialist reviews


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