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How does coronavirus affect your kidneys, liver, heart, and lungs?

Coronavirus affect your kidneys, liver, heart, and lungs? :

2020 is a year that has marked an indelible name in the world. This year will be known as coronavirus year, lockdown year, work from the home year, etc. It has changed our life, teaching us the real meaning of difficulties, family, and healthy life. Due to COVID 19 pandemic, people have realized that a healthy diet and lifestyle are very crucial for long life. On top of this, 2020 is teaching us that we humans are the main culprits of environmental change. Many people have lost their loved ones due to COVID 19 infection, and still, lacs are suffering from it. karma ayurveda feedback

By weaning yourself off the bad habits, unhealthy diet, and unstable lifestyle, you can ward off the infections that can lead you to kidney, heart, liver, and lung failure. Yes, COVID 19 affects the disease-free life of your four important body organs. Through this blog, Doctor Puneet Dhawan is propagating some precautions that you should follow to ward off COVID 19 infection and keep your organs healthy. 

This pandemic is deadly for everyone, but it is more dangerous for people with the following health problems. 

  1. High blood pressure

  2. An elevated level of diabetes 

  3. Chronic kidney disease 

  4. Kidney infection 

  5. Acute kidney failure 

  6. Proteinuria 

  7. Nephrotic syndrome

  8. Severe heart conditions, such as heart failure or coronary artery disease

  9. Sickle cell disease

  10. A weakened immune system from a solid organ transplant

  11. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

  12. Cancer 

  13. Skin infection 

  14. Feeble digestive system 

  15. Anemia 

If you are facing any of these health problems, then keep yourself tested to gauge your health condition. dr puneet dhawan patient review

Let us look at the precautions that will help you ward off COVID 19 infection. 

  1. Avoid processed food.

  2. Do not eat street food or canned food.

  3. Say no to meat and animal sources of protein.

  4. Consult your doctor regularly.

  5. Do not skip your medicines, even if you are on dialysis.

  6. Cover your mouth with masks while stepping out.

  7. Wash your hands with soap.

  8. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

  9.  Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth if someone sneezes or coughs around you.

  10. Cover yourself when coughing and sneezing, particularly with a tissue, and then destroy it. 

  11.  Disinfect any object, surface, and cloth before using it. 

  12. Stay home if you are sick or have symptoms like mild fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, and shortness of breath. 

  13. Follow social distancing everywhere, not in your home. 

On the off chance, you are a kidney patient, then keep in touch with Doctor Puneet Dhawan, who will treat your ill kidney and prevent the risk of infections. karma ayurveda hospital review


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